Data privacy

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If a translated version conflicts with the French version, the French version prevails.

Collected data by SICLIMA

Your LDAP login is collected when you log in.

Then, the following basic personal data about you are automatically collected throw INRAE referential to provide you with access to our services:

  • if you are INRAE or UMR INRAE: given name, family name, e-mail address, research center, research department, research unit (name and code), status (permanent or not),
  • if you are external: given name, family name, e-mail address.

These data are used as is and are updated at each connection.

Technical data are provided from your browser when you use the services. This technical information includes device information and cookies.

To learn more about how we use cookies, please see our Cookie Policy.

This data is necessary for the smooth operation of the web site.

Withholding some or all of this data may result in you being unable to access the site.

How SICLIMA uses your information

To provide services

Your e-mail address and your name are used to send you e-mails while your interaction with SICLIMA.

Your status is used to make easier the pre-fill of form for SAFRAN access request. Your contact information are used to pre-fill the request form for Météo-France.

To improve SICLIMA

Information we are used to analyze usage, develop and improve the services.

Your assignment information are used for SICLIMA usage statistics.

To communicate with you

Your contact information are used to respond to your support requests, and also to send you informative e-mails on changes to SICLIMA and AgroClim related services.

The legal basis for the processing of this information is the publisher’s task of general public interest, in particular the creation and maintenance of informative web sites.

Data is handled by individuals working on the web site and the services it offers. Collected data will be provided to third parties only to meet legal and statutory requirements.

How long data are retained

Personal data collected are stored on secure server of AgroClim unit, hosted on datacentre IdF INRAE. SICLIMA benefits from resources allocated for backup, secure storage, monitoring and updates.

Personal data of unused account (due to non-use of service by the user) will be anonymised 5 years after the last connection: you will not have access to your access requests, extraction projects and calculation projects.

How data are shared

Except for legal and statutory requirements, only data from the document of SAFRAN access requests are shared and they are shared only with Météo-France.

Managing your settings

E-mail preference

You can choose to stop receiving certain e-mails by indicating your preference here . You may also unsubscribe by following the instructions contained at the bottom informative e-mails. Service-related e-mails (to tell you progress about request or project, etc.) do not offer an option to unsubscribe as they are necessary to provide the services you requested.

Updating account information

If you find inaccurate information about your account:

  • if you are INRAE or UMR INRAE, please contact your unit manager to modify them in the INRAE referential;
  • if you are external, please contact us to modify them in the INRAE referential for external.

These information will be read by SICLIMA at the next connection after its integration in the referential.

Exporting an archive of your account

You can export an archive of your account. Go to your profile and click on the button Download. Your data archive will include in a compressed JSON file the following:

  • the information in your profile,
  • your parameters,
  • actions you’ve performed (run, download of projects),
  • your session logs,
  • your access requests,
  • your data extraction projects,
  • your indicator calculation projects.

Deleting account

If you make a deletion request, we will permanently and irreversibly delete your personal data from our systems, including backups. Once deleted, your data, including your account, access requests, data extraction projects, and indicator calculation projects cannot be restored.

If your account is associated to at least one access request, we cannot delete it as we have to keep access requests sent to Météo-France.

To delete your account, go to your profile and click on the button Delete my account.

User rights

You have the right to access, correct, delete, oppose (for a legitimate reason) or limit the use of data concerning you, in accordance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 on Data Processing, Files and Individual Liberties, and with EU Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. You have the right to give general or specific instructions on the storage, deletion and sharing of data concerning you following your demise. You also have the right to submit a claim to a supervisory authority such as the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL).

Except in the case of a claim, which must be submitted directly to a supervisory authority, you may exercise these rights by sending an email to the site publisher or a letter to the service AgroClim - INRAE, centre de recherche PACA - 228, route de l’Aérodrome - CS 40 509 - Domaine Saint Paul, Site Agroparc - 84914 Avignon Cedex 9 together with a signed identity document.

INRAE has a Data Protection Officer. She can be contacted by email at or by mail at INRAE, 24 chemin de Borde Rouge, Auzeville, CS52627, 31326 CASTANET TOLOSAN CEDEX, France