Our use of cookies


Cookies are a set of data stored on a user’s device when the user browses a web site. The data is in a file containing an ID number, the name of the server which deposited it and, in some cases, an expiry date. We use cookies to record information about your visit, language of preference, and other parameters on the site in order to optimise your next visit and make the site even more useful to you.

To improve your experience, we use cookies to store certain browsing information and provide secure navigation, and to collect statistics with a view to improve the site’s features.

You can also visit the CNIL web site for instructions on how to configure your browser to manage cookie storage on your device.

The following types of cookies may be used on our websites:

1. Mandatory cookies

These cookies are needed to ensure the proper functioning of the site and cannot be disabled. They help ensure a secure connection and the basic availability of our website.

Our web application SICLIMA uses session cookies (JSESSIONID).

These cookies are deleted at the end of the browsing session (when you log off or close your browser window).

2. Functional cookies

These cookies allow us to analyse site use in order to measure and optimise performance. They allow us to store your sign-in information and display the different components of our website in a more coherent way.

Our web application SICLIMA does not use this type of cookie.

3. Social media and advertising cookies

These cookies are used by advertising agencies such as Google and by social media sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook. Among other things, they allow pages to be shared on social media, the posting of comments, and the publication (on our site or elsewhere) of ads that reflect your centres of interest.

Our web application SICLIMA does not use this type of cookie.

For more information about the cookies we use, contact INRAE’s Data Protection Officer by email at cil-dpo@inrae.fr or by post at:

24, chemin de Borde Rouge – Auzeville – CS52627
31326 Castanet Tolosan cedex - France