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  2. Bürger, Jana, Andrey V. Malyshev, et Nathalie Colbach. 2020. « Populations of Arable Weed Species Show Intra-Specific Variability in Germination Base Temperature but Not in Early Growth Rate ». PLOS ONE 15 (10): e0240538.
  3. Capowiez, Yvan, Stéphane Sammartino, et Eric Michel. 2014. « Burrow Systems of Endogeic Earthworms: Effects of Earthworm Abundance and Consequences for Soil Water Infiltration ». Pedobiologia 57 (4): 303‑9.
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  5. Casagrande, Enrico, Michel Génard, Sébastien Lurol, Florence Charles, Daniele Bevacqua, Davide Martinetti, et Françoise Lescourret. 2022. « Brown Rot Disease in Stored Nectarines: Modeling the Combined Effects of Preharvest and Storage Conditions ». Phytopathology® 112 (7): 1575‑83.
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  7. Ellili-Bargaoui, Yosra, Christian Walter, Didier Michot, et Blandine Lemercier. 2020. « Mapping Soil Properties at Multiple Depths from Disaggregated Legacy Soil Maps in the Brittany Region, France ». Geoderma Regional 23 (décembre): e00342.
  8. Lander, Tonya A., Etienne K. Klein, Sylvie Oddou-Muratorio, Jean-Noël Candau, Cindy Gidoin, Alain Chalon, Anne Roig, Delphine Fallour, Marie-Anne Auger-Rozenberg, et Thomas Boivin. 2014. « Reconstruction of a Windborne Insect Invasion Using a Particle Dispersal Model, Historical Wind Data, and Bayesian Analysis of Genetic Data ». Ecology and Evolution 4 (24): 4609‑25.
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  12. Martineau, Elsa, Lionel Jordan-Meille, et Christophe Nguyen. 2015. « Le potassium, remède contre la sécheresse ? » In 12. Rencontres de la fertilisation raisonnée et de l’analyse du COMIFER et du GEMAS, np. Lyon, France: Comité Français d’Etude et de Développement de la Fertilisation Raisonnée (COMIFER). FRA.
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  14. Monceau, Karine, Nevile Maher, Olivier Bonnard, et Denis Thiéry. 2013. « Predation Pressure Dynamics Study of the Recently Introduced Honeybee Killer Vespa Velutina: Learning from the Enemy ». Apidologie 44 (2): 209‑21.
  15. Parent, Boris, Margot Leclere, Sébastien Lacube, Mikhail A. Semenov, Claude Welcker, Pierre Martre, et François Tardieu. 2018. « Maize yields over Europe may increase in spite of climate change, with an appropriate use of the genetic variability of flowering time ». Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (42): 10642‑47.
  16. Ricci, B., C. Lavigne, A. Alignier, S. Aviron, L. Biju-Duval, J. C. Bouvier, J.-P. Choisis, et al. 2019. « Local pesticide use intensity conditions landscape effects on biological pest control ». Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286 (1904): 20182898.
  17. Robinet, Christelle, Jérôme Rousselet, Patrick Pineau, Florie Miard, et Alain Roques. 2013. « Are Heat Waves Susceptible to Mitigate the Expansion of a Species Progressing with Global Warming? » Ecology and Evolution 3 (9): 2947‑57.
  18. Schultz, H. R. 2019. « Water in a Warmer World – Is Atmospheric Evaporative Demand Changing in Viticultural Areas? » BIO Web of Conferences 12: 01011.
  19. Senapati, Nimai, Abad Chabbi, André Faé Giostri, Jagadeesh B. Yeluripati, et Pete Smith. 2016. « Modelling Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Mown-Grass and Grain-Cropping Systems: Testing and Sensitivity Analysis of DailyDayCent Using High Frequency Measurements ». Science of The Total Environment 572 (décembre): 955‑77.
  20. Vanalli, C., R. Casagrandi, M. Gatto, et D. Bevacqua. 2021. « Shifts in the Thermal Niche of Fruit Trees under Climate Change: The Case of Peach Cultivation in France ». Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 300 (avril): 108327.
  21. Régis Fichot, Marlène Lefebvre, Marie Pégard, David Chassagnaud, Mathieu Bliard, Juliette Ferdinand, Françoise Laurans, Didier Le Thiec, Aurélie Deveau, John C. Stella, Philippe Rozenberg, Marc Villar, Distinct trait syndromes and plasticity maintain similar performance between seedlings populations of the riparian tree species Populus nigra L., Environmental and Experimental Botany,Volume 218,2024,
Document créé le : 2023-07-13
Dernière modification : 2024-09-06